Reading Planet
Reading Planet is an exciting six-level book series for elementary school students. Each book contains ten reading passages drawn from themes that reflect students’ interests. The wide variety of authentic and lively texts will keep the students engaged and motivated.
Reading Planet provides a range of enjoyable activities that will help the students develop essential reading skills.
Reading Planet aims at building the students’ confidence in their own
ability to read and comprehend English fluently.
Reading Planet comprises two elements: listening comprehension and writing genres that are compatible with the comprehension text. Students are encouraged to read the text, answer inductive, deductive and analytical questions.
Reading Planet encourages students to tackle various reading challenges, such as;
little anticipation, word by word reading, loss of meaning …etc.
It also helps them develop their reading skills, such as;
Previewing skills:
• to say what the text will be about before actually reading it
• the ability of activating prior knowledge in order to help the text become comprehensible
Reading Planet offers a rich blend of fiction and non fiction texts to enhance the students reading skills by exposing them to texts representing different genres.
The upper levels of Reading Planet smoothly shift readers from childhood to teenage.
The texts at the upper levels start addressing teenagers’ interests using a wide variety of appealing topics.
- Fully illustrated actions to appeal to every pupil
- Illustrations may act as a teaching aid while previewing the text
- Punctuation and language tips to refresh students’ memories and aid them while writing
- Stepped writing activities to develop students’ writing skills
- The unit opens with two discussion questions to get all children to think and talk.
- Different texts and genres to suit all tastes, interests and abilities
- A variety of topics to cover: cultural, informative, narrative, scientific and historical genres
- Variety of activities to practice all sorts of exercises, check progress and understanding
- Different comprehension skills to develop students’ reading abilities
- Contextualised vocabulary activities to develop students’ inferring skills
- Carefully chosen texts to cover a variety of styles and genres
- Highlighted key vocabulary to grab students’ attention and facilitate their navigation
- Reading Planet offers questions to test students’ comprehension. A wide variety of exercises such as direct, inductive, critical thinking and productive are included to cover all comprehension skills.
- Fiction and non-fiction topics give children the chance to practise their literacy skills.
- Activities in Reading Planet help students practice the concept and explore its usage in everyday life.
- Reading Planet relates the genres, skills and types of questions with the main course book.