Welcome to Edugate

As a leading publishing company, Edugate is serious about discovering how the world learns. We apply our deep education experience, insights and research, invest in innovative technologies, and promote collaboration throughout the education system. Real change that would cope with a fast developing and growing world is our commitment and its results are delivered through connecting capabilities to create actionable, attainable solutions that improve access, affordability, and achievement.

Edugate Publishers is a wholly independent publishing house dedicated to producing quality ELT materials. The founders having over a twenty year experience in the ELT field, resulted in the company perceiving  a steady and  rapid growth. Uniquely among leading publishers, we view ELT not as one department of a larger concern, but as the single focus of our operations.

Range of Publications

Edugate Publishers cater for both adult learners and children, at a full range of levels, in UK English. Publications for children include specialised courses and other material for very young learners, teenage beginners and so on.

Edugate Publishers course books are typically complemented by an audio CD for class work, a student’s CD for self-access study, a workbook, a teacher’s book and a test booklet.

Customer Satisfaction

Edugate Publishers are notable for commanding brand loyalty from teachers and educational administrators, whose satisfaction with one or more of our titles lead them to adopt several others from our list.

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

The goal of Edugate publishers is to provide students and teachers everywhere with high quality, innovative educational materials. The Edugate publishers team of authors, editors, art designers, illustrators, as well the marketing department, all strive to offer you the best service and increase your effectiveness in the classroom.

A large network of distributors, agents and ELT consultants has joined forces with Edugate publishers to meet your needs. At Edugate Publishers our commitment to quality and consistent value is always our first priority. We would like to thank you for your continuous support and we hope that you will enjoy the fruits of our efforts.